Load service

The sdi_loadservice bundle allows you to load additional services to your map composition. To add a service to your app, you have three different options:

  • Select one out of the favorites list.

  • Specify a service URL (manually) in the load service dialog.

  • Use the serviceURL URL parameter.

Configuration for services with HTTP basic authentication
Services with CORS enabled

Enter the service in proxy.cors.trustedServers. With this configuration a dialog appears in the client to enter the username and password.

Services with CORS disabled

Use the Proxy servlet.

When adding an entry in proxy.allowedServerUrls with credentials and ,*, then no credentials are necessary from the client side.
On the other hand, when adding an entry in proxy.allowedServerUrls without credentials and with ,*, then a dialog appears in the client for entering the username and password.

Add a service

serviceURL parameter

For using the serviceURL parameter, the parametermanager bundle is required in your app.

Add the serviceURL parameter to your map.apps app URL, e.g. http://localhost/mapapps/resources/apps/sdi_demo/index.html?lang=de&serviceURL=https://www.wms.nrw.de/geobasis/wms_nw_alkis.

When the app starts, the layer selection dialog pops up where you have the opportunity to select the layers to be loaded.

Load by favorites list

The favorites list contains a list of predefined services which makes it easier to load additional services for inexpert users. Provide the most interesting and useful services here for your users here. The favorites can be configured in the app.json or in a domain-bundle.

map content and load service

Loading services with their URL

Manually loading additional services is primarily aimed at expert users who are familiar with services and their URLs.

  • In the Load Service dialog go to the "URL Input" tab.

  • Insert the service URL and click "Next".

  • After loading the service you have the option to select and deselect layers and groups. You can reverse the order of the layers before adding them to the map by using the Toggle order button.

url input
toggle order

The following services types are supported:

  • ArcGIS Server services:

    • Feature Service

    • Map Service

    • Image Service

    • Scene Service

    • Vector Tile Service

  • OGC services:

    • Web Map Service (WMS)

    • Web Map Tile Service (WMTS)

    • Web Feature Service 2.0.0 (WFS)

      • Requires GeoJSON output

    • OGC API Features

  • INSPIRE View Service

Services with multiple layers

You can load services with multiple layers in two different ways. This is demonstrated below with examples for ArcGIS Server feature service, OGC API Features and the special case of WFS:

ArcGIS Server feature service
map content

You can reverse the order of layers before loading the layers, but not all servers support requests with a different order of layers. Therefore, after reversing the order of the layers, the result in the map can differ from the order in the TOC.

Before toggling the order:

toggle order before

After toggling the order:

toggle order after
OGC API Features
Special cases

Remove a service or layer

The loaded services and layers are appended to the My Services node in the map content tree. They can be removed from there, too.

map content map crop