Release Notes 5.0

What’s New

map.apps SDI 5.0.0 is the first map.apps SDI release for map.apps line 4. Below new functions, improvements and fixed issues of new map.apps SDI versions are listed.

Highlights of map.apps SDI 5.0.0:

  • map.apps SDI 5.0.0 is the first map.apps SDI release for map.apps Line 4

At the moment the scope of features and functions of map.apps SDI 5.x and map.apps SDI 4.x is not the same.

Update Notes

There is no special tool for migration of the apps or map states, so you have to create new apps and map states based on your old configurations. For general questions concerning map.apps line 4 the map.apps documentation should be considered.

System requirements

map.apps >= 4.7.0 is required and contains two map.apps bundle packages: map.apps 4.x and map.apps 3.x. The 4.x bundles have to be used using map.apps SDI 5.0.0 also.

System requirements of map.apps apply (see map.apps System Requirements).

Update 5.0.0 to 5.0.1

Regarding SDIEXT-868 some changes from map.apps SDI 5.0.0 to 5.0.1 had to be made (especially when programming own code this should be considered):

  • Renaming of sdi_themes_extension bundle to sdi_themes_extension5

  • Renaming of sdi_statemanagement widget role to sdi_statemanagement5

  • Renaming of appmanagement_managerAppStateListTool to appmanagement_managerAppStateListTool5

  • New appmanagement_managerAppStateListTool5 title

Available Features

At the moment the following features are available:

  • Load services dynamically via URL or favorite list

  • Extend the map.apps ToC with special functions:

    • Reordering of services or predefined groups

    • Warnings regarding wrong extent or SRS

    • Legend per service

    • Show capabilities

  • Map States

    • Save, load and share map states

  • SRS Changer

    • Selection of predefined spatial reference systems

  • Scale Changer

    • Selection of predefined scales

  • Show service copyright

    • Custom or service-provided

  • Use Geocoding Service from BKG in omnisearch

These functions or features are not available in map.apps SDI 5.0:

  • Not supported for map states:

    • Redlining objects

    • Order of services

    • Chosen SLDs are not saved

    • map.apps ETL support

    • 3D mode only limited

  • Not available for the ToC:

    • WMS SLD selection

    • ArcGIS Image service style selection

    • Show layer legend

    • Request feature info for a specific layer

    • Zoom to initial extent

  • Not available for scale changer

    • Text input

  • Alternative WMS configuration instead of a WMTS

  • Live Configuration for SDI bundles

The only backend service that is still in use is the ct-savestate service. The service type resolver (STR) and XML to JSON converter service are no longer in use.

Some functions (e.g. changing the SRS) are not available for all services types. If you want to use these functions in your app you should only use the following types of services in your app (otherwise the app doesn’t work properly):

  • ArcGIS Server Feature Server

  • ArcGIS Server Map Server (dynamic or tiled)

  • ArcGIS Image Server

  • Web Map Service (WMS)

  • Web Map Tile Service (WMTS)

  • INSPIRE View Service

The 3D mode together with map.apps SDI features should be used wisely.

Known Limitations

Issue Description


CopyrightViewer: The copyright of enabled (instead of visible) services is shown in the copyright viewer


Savestate: In 3D mode the map is rotated 90° after loading an appstate (only with changing the SRS before saving the appstate)