Release notes 4.10.0

Updates to mapfatures input method

New configuration options are available for the mapfeatures method. The parameter mapFeaturesSelectionType can now be configured to either intersects, contains or selection_geometry. The first two parameters are used to query already existing geometries from the map. the third parameter will provide the drawn geometry without any selection. Please also see the initial changes to the mapfeatures method in Release notes 4.8 for more information.

The mapfeatures input methods will now also list sublayers. For more information see the update notes below.

Update notes

If you skip several versions during the update, please also follow all update notes of the intervening versions.


Updates to the upload template workspace

The custom tranformer CreateEsriJsonLayer within the FME Workspace upload_to_map.fmw has been changed due to changes made in the EsriJSON Writer starting from FME 2024.0. Exchange the transformer in previous workspace versions or use the new FME Workspace template if you are using FME 2024.0 or newer.

Updates to mapefatures input method

the mapfeatures input methods will now also list sublayers. Previously, only the top-level layers were listed. This change might require adjustments to the mapFeaturesHiddenLayers configuration. In previous versions only the layer id of the group layer had to be included in mapFeaturesHiddenLayers. Sublayers need to be hidden by using wildcards or by writing the full path to the sublayer.

  "mapFeaturesHiddenLayers": [



  • Fix upload_to_map.fmw Workspace for FME 2024

  • Fix margin for slider widget

  • Minor ui changes to color picker

  • Fix infinite loop for workspaces without published parameters

  • Multiple changes to the "mapfeatures" input methods

    • The mapfeatures tool can now either select existing geometries (intersect or contain) or provide the drawn geometry withouth any selection.

    • Grouplayers will not be listed in mapfeatures anymore. Intead, all sublayers will be listed if queryable.

    • Due to the sublayer listing, changes might be necessary to "mapFeturesHiddenLayers". Please refer to the documentation for more information.

  • Donuts are now resolved in the map_features_download.fmw workspace