Release Notes 4.4.1
What’s New
Labeling information
Labeling information for layers created via map.apps ETL can now be provided via the FME Workspace to map.apps. The JSON output of the workspace has to include the necessary configuration as described in: Workspace Templates A custom transformer to include the labeling information is included in: .\fme_templates\building_blocks\esriJson_CustomTransformer.fmw
Automatically open popups
Popups can automatically be opened if required after features drawn via map.apps ETL. The configuration can be applied to each tool individually via two parameters:
"mapapps_etl": {
"MapappsETLTools": [{
"fmeServerConfig": {...},
"fmeTool": {...},
"fmeParameterOpts": {
"mapappsParameters": {
// optional: opens a popup for the first feature
"automaticallyOpenPopup": true,
// optional: if more than one feature is available, specify how many popups should be loaded (defaults to 1).
"numberOfAllowedPopupsForMultipleFeatures": 5
Have a look at all possible app.json configurations: app.json Configuration
Configurable zoom level for individual features
The zoom level applied to the map after a feature is drawn can now be changed in the tool configuration. This is only possible if only a single feature is drawn.
"mapapps_etl": {
"MapappsETLTools": [{
"fmeServerConfig": {...},
"fmeTool": {...},
"fmeParameterOpts": {
"mapappsParameters": {
// optional: set a map scale. Only applies, if only one feature is supposed to be displayed on the map. A value of 10000 means a map scale of 1:10000
"scaleForIndividualFeatures": 10000,
Update Notes
The property scaleForIndividualFeatures was changed from version 4.4.0 to 4.4.1. In the first release, this property was called zoomFactorForIndividualFeatures and worked based on zoom levels. Since these are not applicable for all layer types, we had to switch to map scales. The old property is not working anymore!
Changed tool property to set a fixed zoom level if only one feature is drawn (from zoomFactorForIndividualFeatures to scaleForIndividualFeatures) |
Added tool property to set a fixed zoom level if only one feature is drawn (fmeParameterOpts.mapappsParameters.zoomFactorForIndividualFeatures) |
Added tool property to open the first popup of a feature (fmeParameterOpts.mapappsParameters.openPopupForFirstFeature) |
Labeling information can be provided in the FME JSON response to display map labels. |
Reorganized i18n. It is now easier to overwrite more strings directly in the tool configuration. |
Localization for FME published parameters is now possible via the i18n tool configuration. |
File uploads are now also available for published parameters |
Removed deprecated imports (dojo, ct) |
Removed validation of hidden published parameters |
Replaced select input elements with autocomplete (published parameter and live configuration) |
UI changes |
Switched data download link to button |
Hide steps in wizard if only one page is used by the tool |
Terms of use CSS fix |
Condensed layer checkboxes for map features selection |
Switched drawing library (2d/draw to SketchViewModel) to allow drawing in 3D |
Internal restructuring of some modules |
Changed implementation of the map features input method to allow for better CRS support |
New map.apps ETL Realtime implementation |
Fix missing mail adresses in result view |
FME Terminator messages are now used in the result if a workspaces fails. |
Fixed spelling: mapapp_etl_point → mapapps_etl_point |
More i18n text elements with html support |
Loading animation while gathering FME parameter information |
Live configuration: duplicate tool function |
Tooltips for result table after analyze workspace is used |
Custom iframe content via FME |
Esri JS Api Bugfix (drawing geometries) |
Removed JavaScriptCaller from demo workspaces |
Improved parameter form validation |
Convert epsg codes to coordinate system names in the analyze result |
File analyzing workflow: Workspace and map.apps Bundle to analyze files before starting the actual FME Workspace |
Default representation in map.apps is now a FeatureLayer. Therefore, FME Workspaces use a different output template. The previous FME Workspaces still work for backwards compatibility. |
Custom error messages can now be defined in the FME Workspaces for DataStreaming processes. |
Fix: Show error message if a process executes successfully without providing output features. |
Feature selection can now be configured to hide specific layers |
New output method: Download from Result Center |
New selection methods for the input type: "Extent". You can now also use points and lines. |
Maximum selection area can now be calculated for all CRS. |
Maximum number of drawn features can now be configured. |
New geometry published parameter (FME 2020) can be used |
Counter after layer name is only increased if the title already exists |
Layer name is used as popup title |
Layers are put in group layers |
Group layers and layer names can be configured from the FME Workspace |
i18n and widgetRole can be set in the Live Configuration |
Every upload is handled with a new session |
GraphicsLayer for extents does not show up in the TOC |
Fixed zoom to layer for new Esri JS Api |
Fixed handling of allowed file extensions in upload dialog |
Fixed async mode handling for failed workspaces |
Calculate area for drawn extent is only used for WebMercator and WGS84 |
Removed opt_requesteremail from URL to prevent duplicate emails |
Improved error handling for conenction errors |
Added more configurable text elements in widget |
Introduced layouting mechanism for widget roles |
Migration of map.apps ETL to map.apps 4.x (Line 4) |
Combination of individual bundles (db_export, db_import, file_upload, file_download, web_connect) into one bundle (mapapps_etl) |
Completely new live configuration |
Bundles can be configured multiple times per app |
Bundle functionality can be combined based on the use case |
Workspace services and published parameters will be validated when selecting a workspace in the live configuration |
New GUI for all Dialogs |
FME Server connection possible without map.apps proxy |
All unknown published parameter types default to text parameters |
Published parameters for extent and source file can’t be chosen freely anymore. Instead, the default parameters mapapps_etl_extent, mapapps_etl_files have to be used. |
Handling published parameters has been inverted. You do not have to enable all parameters that should be visible to the user. Only parameters that should not be visible have to be hidden. This makes changing workspaces much easier, since new FME parameters are automatically visible in map.apps ETL. |