Overview of all update note



Changed CSS Classes for ETL Tool Icons

Due to name conflicts with other map.apps Icons, all ETL tool icons have been prefixed with "etl-". The new names are as follows:

  • etl-icon-upload-db

  • etl-icon-upload

  • etl-icon-fme

  • etl-icon-download-rectangle

  • etl-icon-download-db

  • etl-icon-download

  • etl-icon-db-to-map

  • etl-icon-stream-out

The old icon names are now deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

ETL Proxy: New Implementation for security.ssl.trustAny

In previous versions of map.apps the property security.ssl.trustAny also changed the behavior of the ETL Proxy. This was not intended and has been fixed. The property has now also to bet set in ETL Proxy if necessary.



Updates to the upload template workspace

The custom tranformer CreateEsriJsonLayer within the FME Workspace upload_to_map.fmw has been changed due to changes made in the EsriJSON Writer starting from FME 2024.0. Exchange the transformer in previous workspace versions or use the new FME Workspace template if you are using FME 2024.0 or newer.

Updates to mapefatures input method

the mapfeatures input methods will now also list sublayers. Previously, only the top-level layers were listed. This change might require adjustments to the mapFeaturesHiddenLayers configuration. In previous versions only the layer id of the group layer had to be included in mapFeaturesHiddenLayers. Sublayers need to be hidden by using wildcards or by writing the full path to the sublayer.

  "mapFeaturesHiddenLayers": [



New implementation of the input type: mapfeatures

  • The property mapSelectionExtentType has been renamed to mapFeaturesSelectionMethods and allows the definition of multiple selection actions. For backwards compatibility, the old property can still be used.

  • selection-services have to be added to the allowedBundles if the mapfeatures input type is used

  • There is no default selection method available to restrict the area size of a polygon or rectangle. Please contact us, if this is an requirement as this can be implemented as a custom selection action.


System requirements

This release requires map.apps version 4.15 or higher and FME Flow (former FME Flow) version 2022 or higher.

Changes in the etl tool configuration json

This release has introduced a few changes to clean up the configuration of map.apps ETL tools. All changes are backwards compatible so previously created apps don’t have to be reconfigured. Changes:

  • fmeParameterOpts has been renamed to etlToolSettings

  • fmeTool has been renamed to etlTool

  • all properties of fmeParameterOpts.mapappsParameters are now directly in etlToolSettings

  • fmeServerConfig.hiddenAnalyzeColumns has been moved to etlToolSettings.hiddenAnalyzeColumns

A full list of all app.json configurations is shown in: Configuration via app.json

Old configuration app.json structure
  "fmeServerConfig": {},
  "fmeTool": {},
  "fmeParameterOpts": {},
  "id": ""
New configuration app.json strucutre
  "fmeServerConfig": {},
  "etlTool": {},
  "etlToolSettings": {},
  "id": ""

Use the old color picker

The published parameter for color pickers has been switched to the browsers default color picker. The old custom implementation can still be used using the following configuration:

"etlToolSettings": {
  "useColorGridInsteadColorPicker": true


Layer Stores

In previous versions of map.apps ETL, a custom store was created for each layer in map.apps, which is used for the resultcenter and the selection. A new layer store concept has been introduced in map.apps 4.13, in which stores are automatically created for each layer. This is also now used by the ETL tools. If the ETL extension is used in older map.apps Versions, the following setting has to be used to return to the old behavior:

"mapappsParameters": {
  "registerCustomStoreForLayer": true



The property scaleForIndividualFeatures changed from version 4.4.0 to 4.4.1. In the first release, it was called zoomFactorForIndividualFeatures and worked based on zoom levels. Since these are not applicable for all layer types, we had to switch to map scales. The old property is not working anymore!



Log4J security patch

There haven’t been any changes to the map.apps bundles. However, the ETL Proxy Servlet has been patched and should therefore be updated in any installations. You can ignore this release, if you are not using the Proxy Servlet. For more information visit Developer Network .


The current output to map template is deprecated and should be changed to the new workspace.
  • The old workspace will work until FME 2020 since the JavaScript caller has been removed.


  • Previous versions of map.apps ETL consisted out of several bundles for different scenarios (Web Connect, File Upload, File Download, DB Import, DB Export). These bundles have been combined into one single bundle mapapps_etl allowing multiple tools to be registered.

  • Multiple tools can be configured using the new map.apps ETL configuration.

  • Input and output methods of the previous bundles can be used in any combination.

  • Published Parameters for Source Datasets map extent do not have to be configured manually anymore.
    Instead, fixed conventions have been introduced to handle inputs from map.apps ETL. All inputs are now using the Published Parameters: mapapps_etl_extent, mapapps_etl_files and mapapps_etl_features.

  • Handling Published Parameters has been inverted.
    You do not have to enable all parameters that should be visible to the user. Only parameters that should not be visible have to be hidden. This makes changing workspaces much easier, since new FME parameters are automatically visible in map.apps ETL.