Release notes 4.9.0

Tomcat 10 Support

There are no direct changes to the map.apps ETL Bundles in this release. However, the ETL Proxy component has been updated to support Tomcat 10. For Tomcat 9, use the latest version prior to this release of the ETL Proxy.

Update notes

If you skip several versions during the update, please also follow all update notes of the intervening versions.


The custom tranformer CreateEsriJsonLayer within the FME Workspace upload_to_map.fmw has been changed due to changes made in the EsriJSON Writer starting from FME 2024.0. Exchange the transformer in previous workspace versions or use the new FME Workspace template if you are using FME 2024.0 or newer.



  • Fix upload_to_map.fmw Workspace for FME 2024

  • Fix margin for slider widget

  • Minor ui changes to color picker


  • No changes to the map.apps ETL Bundles

  • ETL Proxy has been migrated to Tomcat 10.