Release notes 4.7.0

What’s new

FME 2023 Published Parameter (Conditional visibility and groups)

FME 2023 introduced conditional parameters and parameter groups. See this FME article for details. Basically, published parameters can be hidden or deactivated based on the values of other parameters. Furthermore, parameters can be visually grouped together. This allows for more dynamic parameters and a better UX.

These new possibilities are now also available in map.apps ETL. As usual, settings in the FME Workspace will automatically be used in the ETL tool.

Optimization for map.apps App Editor configuration

Configuration through the map.apps App Editor has gotten easier. Default snippets for ETL tool configurations have been integrated and possibilities for property options will be suggested.

Accessibility improvements

This release intorduces multiple improvements regarding accessibility:

  • File upload is now usable via keyboard

  • Switched color picker to browser default (the old color picker can be activated using the configuration fmeParameterOpts.useColorGridInsteadColorPicker=true)

  • Optimization for screenreader support

  • Keyboard focus is optimized when switching between steps in the etl dialog

New input type "search-selection"

Results of the map.apps search can now be used in a new input step. Attributes of the search result will be displayed and the full feature is provided as EsriJSON file to FME. The file will be referenced in the published parameter mapapps_etl_search_feature.

Configuration can look like this:

Search input configuration in app.json
  "fmeServerConfig": {...},
  "etlTool": {
    "inputs": ["search-selection"],
    "output": "download"
  "etlToolSettings": {
    "searchSelectionHiddenAttributes": ["id"]
  "id": "etl_tool_with_search_input"

New parameter type 'Checkbox'

Checkboxes have been introduced as a new published parameter type.

ETL Proxy updates

ETL Proxy component has been updated to be used with the new Identity Service and can now use security.mode=IDENTITY.

Furthermore, a new healtcheck endpoint to be used in load balancing scenarios (/healthcheck).

Update notes

If you skip several versions during the update, please also follow all update notes of the intervening versions.

System requirements

This release requires map.apps version 4.15 or higher and FME Flow (former FME Flow) version 2022 or higher.

Changes in the etl tool configuration json

This release has introduced a few changes to clean up the configuration of map.apps ETL tools. All changes are backwards compatible so previously created apps don’t have to be reconfigured. Changes:

  • fmeParameterOpts has been renamed to etlToolSettings

  • fmeTool has been renamed to etlTool

  • all properties of fmeParameterOpts.mapappsParameters are now directly in etlToolSettings

  • fmeServerConfig.hiddenAnalyzeColumns has been moved to etlToolSettings.hiddenAnalyzeColumns

A full list of all app.json configurations is shown in: Configuration via app.json

Old configuration app.json structure
  "fmeServerConfig": {},
  "fmeTool": {},
  "fmeParameterOpts": {},
  "id": ""
New configuration app.json strucutre
  "fmeServerConfig": {},
  "etlTool": {},
  "etlToolSettings": {},
  "id": ""

Use the old color picker

The published parameter for color pickers has been switched to the browsers default color picker. The old custom implementation can still be used using the following configuration:

"etlToolSettings": {
  "useColorGridInsteadColorPicker": true



  • Accessibility imrovements

    • Provided role="alert" for various html elements

    • Improved keyboard focus when switching between etl steps

    • Provided fieldset for checkbox parameters

    • Switched color picker to browser default

  • Removed icons from file upload

  • Migrated to FME api v4 for published parameters

  • Introduced conditional parameter visibility to etl published parameters

  • Allow grouping of parameters

  • Combile all JS files into a single delivery file using rollup

  • Included json config for the map.apps editor

  • Cleaned up etl tool configuration

  • Introduced new parameter mapapps_etl_search_feature for feature selection through search