Release notes 4.0.15

Update notes

If you skip several versions during the update, please also follow all update notes of the intervening versions.
  • Previous versions of map.apps ETL consisted out of several bundles for different scenarios (Web Connect, File Upload, File Download, DB Import, DB Export). These bundles have been combined into one single bundle mapapps_etl allowing multiple tools to be registered.

  • Multiple tools can be configured using the new map.apps ETL configuration.

  • Input and output methods of the previous bundles can be used in any combination.

  • Published Parameters for Source Datasets map extent do not have to be configured manually anymore.
    Instead, fixed conventions have been introduced to handle inputs from map.apps ETL. All inputs are now using the Published Parameters: mapapps_etl_extent, mapapps_etl_files and mapapps_etl_features.

  • Handling Published Parameters has been inverted.
    You do not have to enable all parameters that should be visible to the user. Only parameters that should not be visible have to be hidden. This makes changing workspaces much easier, since new FME parameters are automatically visible in map.apps ETL.



  • Counter after layer name is only increased if the title already exists

  • Layer name is used as popup title


  • Minor CSS changes


  • Terms of Use can be configured as mandatory before a process can be started


  • Fix typo in area units

  • Layout fixes

  • Internal changes


  • Clear upload dialog if upload is invalid


  • Layers are put in group layers

  • Group layers and layer names can be configured from the FME workspace

  • i18n and widgetRole can be set in the Live Configuration


  • Every upload is handled with a new session

  • GraphicsLayer for extents does not show up in the TOC

  • Fixed zoom to layer for new Esri JS Api

  • Fixed handling of allowed file extensions in upload dialog


  • Internal changes


  • Internal changes

  • CSS color changes


  • E-Mail parameter can be configured as a mandatory parameter


  • Initital migration for the mapapps_etl_realtime bundle from map.apps version 3


  • Fixed async mode handling for failed workspaces

  • Calculate area for drawn extent is only used for WebMercator and WGS84


  • Removed opt_requesteremail from URL to prevent duplicate emails

  • Improved error handling for connection errors


  • Added more configurable text elements in widget

  • Introduced layouting mechanism for widget roles


  • New color picker parameter widget

  • Internal changes


  • Migration of map.apps ETL to map.apps 4.x (Line 4)

  • Combination of individual bundles (db_export, db_import, file_upload, file_download, web_connect) into one bundle (mapapps_etl)

  • Completely new live configuration

  • Bundles can be configured multiple times per app

  • Bundle functionality can be combined based on the use case

  • Workspace services and Published Parameters will be validated when selecting a workspace in the live configuration

  • New GUI for all Dialogs

  • FME Flow connection possible without map.apps proxy

  • All unknown Published Parameter types default to text parameters

  • Published Parameters for extent and source file can’t be chosen freely anymore. Instead, the default parameters mapapps_etl_extent, mapapps_etl_files have to be used.

  • Handling Published Parameters has been inverted. You do not have to enable all parameters that should be visible to the user. Only parameters that should not be visible have to be hidden. This makes changing workspaces much easier, since new FME parameters are automatically visible in map.apps ETL.