Release Notes 1.6

What’s New

Split line objects

With the help of a new tool, existing line objects can be split. The selection of a point where the line will be split is supported by the snapping function. The attributes of the object are copied to the new object (except for the object ID) if the split is successful.

Place point at specified coordinate

When creating points as helper geometry, a pair of coordinates can now be entered. The point is then placed exactly at the entered coordinate and can then be used for further capture operations (for example, as a snapping support point when creating more complex geometries such as lines or polygons).

Edit objects of type MultiPoint

Starting from this version it is possible to create and edit objects of type MultiPoint. In addition, the functionality when editing SinglePoint geometries has been improved so that multiple points cannot be placed by mistake (which led to an error when saving).

Other new features and improvements

  • When editing an existing object, the entire object is no longer zoomed in in every case. In particular, zooming out was often found to be annoying, so now zooming only occurs in cases where zooming in on the object occurs.

For a complete list of all changes, see the following changelog.



New Features


Split existing line object


Add support for multipoint geometries


Create point by entering coordinates


Only zoom to edit graphic if it is included or fits in the current extent

Fixed Issues


Error when trying to save point feature with multiple points


Date input field is not displayed correctly in Firefox


Snapping objects are searched when editing tool is not activated