Release Notes 1.4

What’s New

Select templates when creating new objects

When creating new objects, it is now possible to choose from a list of feature templates. The user can filter this list while using an app. Likewise, filtering of templates can be defined in the app configuration and the filter can be hidden in the user interface.

Improved user interface

Based on user feedback the user interface has been optimized. It is now possible to return to the feature type selection with a Back button. In addition, the main tools for creating and editing a geometry are displayed as buttons with text to make their use easier to understand.

Automatic takeover of user names

The name of the logged in user can now be automatically written to a defined attribute. This applies to both the creator of an object and the user who last edited the object.

Global interface for customizing the editor.

Using a new interceptor logic, the behavior of the editor can be customized by adding your own so-called interceptors, similar to the standard map.apps editing. The previously mentioned username takeover is an implementation that makes use of this interface.

Further new functions and improvements

  • Base maps can be used for snapping. This function must be activated by configuration via the allowBasemapSnapping setting.

  • When editing edit object vertices, the view is automatically zoomed in on the object if the view is zoomed out too far.

  • In case of incorrect attribute forms (e.g. due to unfilled mandatory fields) a warning is displayed and saving is not possible.

  • The uncompressed source files are now included in the rollout directory by default.

For a complete list of all changes, see the following changelog.



Fixed Issues


Attachments dialog is not reset when editing a different object


Layers from domain bundles are not recognized as editable layers when visible at startup


No highlighting when selecting features


New Features


Add button "back to layer selection"


Move activate snapping checkbox outside of helper geometries


Watch for visibility state of parent group layer for editable layers


Automatically enter user name in defined attribute


Show user message if save fails


Select feature template before adding new feature


Use Baselayer as snapping layer


Include uncompressed src in rollout


Show warning if attribute form contains invalid or empty but required fields


Use buttons with text for main editing workflows for better user experience


Zoom to edit object when editing vertices and edit object is visible as a whole

Fixed Issues


Saving fails if mandatory attribute field unfilled


[EditController] Editing existing Geometries not possible in some cases


Error when starting editing from popup action because of missing geometry