Release Notes 4.4


What’s New

Support for Elasticsearch 7.x

The Logstash pipelines for user interaction capture from map.apps and the associated dashboards for analyzing the data now support the current version of Elasticsearch (7.6/7.7). Support for version 1.7 is no longer available. Please refer to the article on migration paths for inventory data published in the Developer Network.

New dashboards for Kibana in Elasticsearch

Kibana as the user interface of the Elasticsearch stack can now be used as an application to use new dashboards that display user interaction data captured in map.apps or security.manager.

New data sources

In addition to the usual collection of user interactions, Analytics now also has methods to store monitoring events from service.monitor Monitoring in Elasticsearch and display them graphically in Kibana. Analytics can also be used to obtain an overview of the log files generated in con terra web applications. service.monitor also provides means to collect and analyze logfiles of ArcGIS Enterprise components. For this purpose, Analytics offers new logstash pipelines and Kibana dashboards for use.

Update Notes

If you skip several versions during the update, please also follow all update notes of the intervening versions.

Elasticsearch 7

With service.monitor version 4.4, a major version jump was made to the base technology Elasticsearch used in Analytics. Please follow following update notes.

Deprecated Features

The following are deprecated and will be removed in a future release:

  • Support of map.apps Manager based dashboard visualization (map.apps line 3)

Known Limitations

The following list contains issues and notes known at the date of release of version 4.4 of service.monitor Analytics.

Issue Component Description


User Interface - UI behaves slowly when using Internet Explorer 9 / 10

Due to slow javascript processing the user interface behaves slowly when using the product with Internet Explorer 9 or Internet Explorer 10.

For an optimal user experience we recommend to use the most current version of Google Chrome / Chromium.


Dashboard Printing using Firefox browser omits some widgets

When printing dashboards using Firefox browser certain widgets are not being printed in the effective output although they are visible in print preview.

We recommend to use Chrome browser for printing as it provides the best output. Alternatively - when being fixed to Firefox browser - we recommended to create additional dashboards with less widgets for printing purposes. May be linked to


Histograms do not show all values of a time period if the number of aggregated hits at the margins is 0.

In certain cases, the histograms display fewer bars than the selected time period would indicate if the aggregation values at the (time) edges of the query are 0.


Upload of Analytics-Bundles fails for map.apps version <= 3.7

Workaround: Unpack the bundle jar file and rezip it with a normal zip tool. Then, upload the newly created file.


What’s New

Central password management

With the new password management, it is possible to define user name and password once and to reference them within the monitoring service definition. Should the external password change, this change only needs to be adjusted within the new credential management.

New services (which require authentication) must make use of the password management. The stored passwords are stored symmetrically encrypted in the database.

Support for smart.finder

service.monitor Monitoring now supports the monitoring of smart.finder indexing jobs Based on the last successful job execution and the stored execution interval, service.monitor is able to determine whether the job is stable and successful.

Forwarding of monitoring events to Elasticsearch

To benefit from the strong visualization capabilities of time series data of the Kibana application from the Elasticsearch stack, service.monitor now supports the forwarding of all monitoring events to Elasticsearch (using a Logstash pipeline.

even more

  • The web application now supports sending application logs via GELF protocol to a central logging stack (such as Elasticsearch).

  • User interface navigation has been improved so that individual states are preserved when using filters in the dashboard beyond page navigation.

  • Mail addresses can now be searched in the contact templates.

  • Monitoring jobs can now be defined in terms of their execution periodicity directly by entering a cron string

Update Notes

If you skip several versions during the update, please also follow all update notes of the intervening versions.

Adjusting the database tables

Due to the extension of the monitoring by the password management, a new table must be created for existing installations. Please note the SQL update scripts that are located in the update folder of the SQL directory of the installation package for monitoring.

Configurational adjustments

Java version

service.monitor supports Java Runtime Environments in version 8 and 11.

The configuration of the database manufacturer has been simplified in the monitoring configuration. Instead of having to enter all the details of the driver, dialect, etc., it is now sufficient to set a single property (here PostgreSQL as an example):


Deprecated Features

The following are deprecated and will be removed in a future release:

  • Charting functionalities and widget capabilities of webapplication

  • Support for monitoring Esri ArcSDE Application Server instances due to Esri’s roadmap on Java SDE API.

  • Support for Standard sdi and inspire styles. This style will be fully replaced by everlasting style

Known Limitations

Provisioning of means to monitor INSPIRE Quality of Service requirements (SRVMON-88)

INSPIRE’s Quality of Service requirements have evolved during the past few years and now make some more flexible assumptions on how request shall be sent to the instance under monitoring and how the response of those instances shall be interpreted correctly. For INSPIRE View Services the GetMap request shall make use of varying BoundingBoxes and a blank response image cannot be considered as valid if features are present in the requested area.

However, service.monitor currently is not able to perform those variable and aggregated checks mentioned above. We recommend you to make use of the job configuration options to mimic the desired behavior in a similar way. I.e. when you are going to test the Performance of an INSPIRE View Service create a service endpoint with two jobs, one caring for GetCapabilities operation and the other for GetMap operation. Via the job execution interval you can try to weigh the number of requests performing a GetCapabilities and the number of requests performing a GetMap. For enabling this please see the Annex (Flexible configuring INSPIRE services) of the installation documentation.