
Filter options

These Menus allow the refinement of the query thereby showing only data corresponding to a certain host, service, service type or job.

monitoring refine query

Latest error messages

The table lists current error messages along with their timestamp, the corresponding service, and the triggering monitoring job. The type of error can be inferred from the HTTP-code and the reason.

monitoring latest error messenges

Error overview

The error overview graph shows the absolute error counts in the selected time period as well as their progression over time. They are broken down by HTTP, unexpected, input/output and timeout errors.

monitoring error overview

Number of errors over time

The diagram displays the development of the different error-types over time. Additionally, the timeline of requests which resulted in no errors can be shown.

monitoring error timeline

Average monitoring response times by services & job

This diagram displays the average response time by service and job over time.

monitoring average response time

Number of errors

This table shows the counts of errors by type and the percentage of failed requests by service.

monitoring errors by service

Monitoring executions

This table lists current monitoring job executions along with their corresponding service and the resulting HTTP-code and the response time.

monitoring execution of monitoring jobs