Map Control

Map Content Control (TOC)

Required Bundle: toc

Map content control is used to activate or deactivate map content. This can be used, for example, to activate individual services or their layers, to control the transparency of a service and to display a description. The map content control can also be used to select the displayed base map.

toc basemaps

Operational maps

The map content control displays all operational maps according to their configuration. The behavior can be customized with the following configuration options:

Option Description


This parameter determines which actions are offered for individual entries in the map content control. The default value is ["*"], which lists all available actions.

Alternatively, only certain actions can be allowed. The following actions are available:


Performs a zoom to the full extent of the service or layer.


Activates all child contents of the entry.


Deactivates all child contents of the entry.


Changes the opacity of the map.


Shows the description of the service or layer. This is retrieved from the respective service or layer. Alternatively it can be configured in the app.


Shows the copyright information of the service or layer. This is retrieved by the respective service or layer. Alternatively, it can be configured in the app.


Number of text-lines that are displayed for layer and service titles. If titles are longer than this value, texts are truncated.

Sample configuration
    "toc": {
        "Config": {
            "actions": [
            "maxVisibleTitleLines": 3

Hide specific services or layers

To hide certain services or layers in the map control, add the property "listMode": "hide" to the respective service or layer. In the following example, only the layer "Gemeinden" is displayed in map control. The layer "Kreise" is always displayed in the map and the visibility cannot be changed by the user.

    "id": "grenzen",
    "type": "AGS_DYNAMIC",
    "url": "",
    "sublayers": [
            "id": 0,
            "title": "Gemeinden"
            "id": 1,
            "title": "Kreise",
            "listMode": "hide"

To exclude certain layers not only from the map control but completely from the map, see the example for ArcGIS Dynamic Map Service.


To allow the user to select base maps via the map content control, activate the showBasemaps setting by the following configuration:

Sample configuration
    "toc": {
        "Config": {
            "showBasemaps" : true

By default, the base maps available for selection are displayed as a list if there are no more than three maps. If more than three maps are available, a drop-down button is displayed instead.

To change the limit from which this change of interface occurs, use the following configuration:

Sample configuration
    "toc": {
        "Config": {
            "showBasemaps" : true,
            "maxBasemapsThreshold" : 3
For more information about configuration, refer to the bundle documentation .

Alternative possibilities to control basemaps

Basemap Toggler

Required Bundle: basemaptoggler

This bundle allows switching multiple basemaps in a drop-down menu. Furthermore own styles/icons can be applied for each entry in the drop-down menu.

basemap toggler

Option Description


Adding of custom style- and icon-classes for the corresponding drop-down menu entry. The style is connected to the corresponding basemap by its ID.


Show title of the basemap

Sample configuration
    "basemaptoggler": {
        "Config": {
            "buttonStyles": {
                "esri_street": {
                    "baseClass": "green",
                    "iconClass": "icon-street"
                "esri_topo": {
                    "baseClass": "green",
                    "iconClass": "icon-map-paper"
                "esri_hybrid": {
                    "baseClass": "green",
                    "iconClass": "icon-satellite"
            "showLabel": true
For more information about configuration, refer to the bundle documentation .

Basemap Switcher

Required Bundle: basemapswitcher

This bundle allows to switch between two basemaps: One is the current visible basemap, the other one is configured within the bundle. Upon click these two basemaps are exchanged.

basemap switcher

Sample configuration
    "basemapswitcher": {
        "Config": {
            "nextBasemap": "hybrid",
            "titleVisible": true
This bundle cannot be used in an app together with the other bundles mentioned before.
For more information about configuration, refer to the bundle documentation .