UI testing
uitest.js is not a test framework, but a small library helping to load a page into an iframe and checking the state of the page in a tests.
This framework is used by the map.apps developers for evaluation purpose and not heavily used. |
To integrate uitest.js into a map.apps Maven project add the following Maven dependency:
To check which version of uitest.js is deploy, open http://localhost:8080/resources/jsregistry/root/uitest in a browser.
Use it in a test
This is a sample of a intern test using uitest to load a page into an iframe. uitest.js can be used with any test framework.
This is the page under test:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!--Needed for uitest to inspect the page -->
<script type="text/javascript">parent.uitest && parent.uitest.instrument(window);</script>
<title>Simple Dummy Site</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
window.sayHello = function () {
var message = document.getElementById("message");
message.innerHTML = "Hello World!";
<div id="message"></div>
<button id="triggerHello" onclick="sayHello()">Learn More</button>
This is the intern test loading the page and testing its behavior:
], function (registerSuite, assert, md, require, uitest) {
var uit;
name: md.id,
"test that after app.html is loaded is the message empty": function () {
// create ui test instance
uit = uitest.create();
// configure it to load a url
// create a async callback function to inform the test framework about success or failure
var assertMessageIsEmpty = this.async().callback(function (message) {
assert.equal(message, "");
// wait for load of the page
uit.ready(function (document) {
// fetch a dom element from the page
var currentMessage = document.getElementById("message").innerHTML;
// check the state
"test that after clicking the button 'triggerHello' is the message 'Hello World!'": function () {
// create a async callback function to inform the test framework about success or failure
var assertMessageIsHelloWorld = this.async().callback(function (message) {
assert.equal(message, "Hello World!");
// reuse the uitest instance, do not reload the page
uit.ready(function (document) {
// click a button
// check if the page has changed
var currentMessage = document.getElementById("message").innerHTML;