
To uninstall map.apps SDI the following steps are necessary:

  1. Delete all map.apps apps using map.apps SDI bundles or remove the map.apps SDI bundles/functions from these apps.

  2. Delete all map.apps SDI bundles from the list of available bundles in the map.apps manager.
    You can filter the list with sdi_. Please note the sfsdi_ - Bundles, which are not part of map.apps SDI, and through this should not be removed.

  3. Remove the Save State Service — usually named savestate — from the available webapps in your tomcat.
    Either use tomcat functions or delete the folder and WAR files in the tomcat webapp folder.

  4. Remove all entries for map.apps SDI properties in your map.apps application.properties.
    E.g. savestate.service.url or the entry for sdi_appstate-manager-integration in property manager.config.viewbundles.