Installation of Save State Service

Follow the next steps, if you need the Save State Service. The Save State Service is required to save app states persistently to a database.

  1. Copy the file savestate.war from the obtained ZIP archive to the folder %TOMCAT%\webapps.

    If Tomcat is not already running, start it now. It will then automatically unpack the WAR file to a new folder webapps/savestate. This might take a few seconds.
    Alternatively, you can use the Tomcat Manager application running at http://localhost:8080/manager/html to deploy the WAR file.

  2. Open the map.apps By default, this configuration file is located in the map.apps

    1. Add the savestate.service.url.

      It is the full URL to the Save State Service followed by /resources/appstates.

    2. Append the entry sdi_appstate-manager-integration to the property manager.config.viewbundles:

  3. Restart Tomcat and reload map.apps Manager in your browser.

  4. Log in as an admin user to check the installation.

    In map.apps Manager’s main toolbar, there is a new tool titled App States (Line 4).

app state