Update existing installation

This page describes how to update an existing installation to a newer version.

To identify which version you are running, open the URL /identity/info.txt.

Before updating
  • Note the update notes in the Release Notes of the current version as well as all versions that lie between the current version and the version you have installed so far.

  • We recommend to make a backup of the database before updating your installation.

Update steps

To update the Identity Service to a newer version, follow these steps:

  1. Stop the Apache Tomcat server.

  2. Remove the old Identity Service context from %TOMCAT%\webapps\ (move it to a backup folder before deleting it completely).

  3. Extract the new Identity Service version to %TOMCAT%\webapps\.

  4. Edit the file %TOMCAT%\webapps\identity\WEB-INF\classes\custom-application.properties and point the data.directory.location property to your .identity-service folder. This folder contains the customized application.properties of your previous Identity Service installation.

  5. Start the Apache Tomcat server.