
map.apps includes a reporting service, which allows to produce reports for features selected in the result center. The reporting service is based on the Java library JasperReports . The capabilities of the map.apps reporting service and the extensions for the JasperReports library are explained in the following sections.

At the current version, support for reports is limited to features originating from an ArcGIS Server MapServer or FeatureServer.


Term Description

Report Template

A report template is a zip file containing all resources required to generate a report. This zip file must at least contain a JasperReports file <name>.jrxml, which specifies the layout of the report.

Report Parameter

A report parameter is a parameter required by an report template as input value for an report generation process.


A report is the a concrete result of the processing of an report template with specific report parameters, for example a pdf file.

Static Report Template

A report template provided in the file system of the map.apps installation. Only the metadata (for example title, description) of a static report template is stored in the database.

Static reports own an id with the prefix "s_", so don’t use this prefix for uploaded reports!