Backup of policies


Performing a backup requires the use of the CLI. Please make sure the CLI is installed as described in Installation.

Creating a backup

  1. Create a local backup directory, for example backup_policies. Create a subdirectory backup_policies/services.

  2. Create a token using the CLI login command. This token is needed for the next step.

    $ secmanctl login -d
  3. Execute the CLI sync command with the --reverse Option:

    $ secmanctl sync --reverse -f ./backup_policies -d -t MghzyNeWubQtT..
  4. Make sure no error occurred and check the backup folder for completeness. For each service with security.manager NEXT activated there should be a JSON file with the same name as the service. Those files should be in the same folder structure as the services in ArcGIS Server.

Restoring a backup

  1. To restore a backup, you need the backup folder, for example backup_policies, that results from a previous backup.

  2. Create a token using the CLI login command. This token is needed for the next step.

    $ secmanctl login -d
  3. Execute the CLI sync command to restore the policies from the backup folder:

    $ secmanctl sync -f ./backup_policies -d -t MghzyNeWubQtT..
  4. You can verify the restored policies in the Policy Explorer of the Manager UI.