Installation for federated ArcGIS Server

Configuring ArcGIS Enterprise URLs

When installing security.manager NEXT or using the CLI you sometimes have to specify the base URL of the ArcGIS Enterprise Portal. We recommend to use the direct URL https://<host>:6443/arcgis for federated servers, and https://<host>:7443/portal for ArcGIS Portal. For <host> use the same hostname as displayed in https://<host>:6443/arcgis/admin/machines for the regarding machine.

If you instead want to use the Web Adaptor URL for ArcGIS Server, like, you need to ensure that Manager UI and CLI can access the ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory using that URL. Access to the Administrator Directory might be disabled by the Web Adaptor configuration.

Please note the special requirements when using Integrated Windows Authentication.

Install SOI

To install the SOI you need to upload two SOE files to ArcGIS Server:

  1. Sign in to ArcGIS Server Manager and navigate to the Site section.

  2. Click ExtensionsAdd Extension to upload both SOE files from [SECMAN-DIR].

  3. Copy the license file to the ArcGIS Server host:

    • Windows: Copy the license to C:\arcgisserver. In case the folder does not exist, copy the license to the folder configured in the AGSSERVER environment property.

    • Linux: Copy the license to ${AGSSERVER}/usr/.

Install Manager UI

Register at ArcGIS Enterprise portal

The Manager UI has to be registered as a web application at the ArcGIS Enterprise portal to make use of the portal’s single sign-on feature. Follow the next steps to register the application:

  1. Log in to portal as a privileged user.

  2. Switch to tab Content.

  3. Click Add ItemAn application.

  4. Use the following settings:

    • Type: Application

    • Title: security.manager

    • Tags: security.manager

  5. Click Add Item.

    portal add application en

    • The overview for the new portal item security.manager is displayed.

  6. Click Settings and go to section Application.

  7. Enter in URL: https://<tomcat-host>/secman-next replacing <tomcat-host> with the actual hostname and port. This will be the URL to the application.

  8. Click Update to set the registration settings.

    • As Redirect URI, please enter: https://<tomcat-host>/secman-next replacing <tomcat-host> with the actual hostname and port.

    • Click Add to add the URI to the list of valid redirect URIs.

    • Store the App ID somewhere — it will be needed during the configuration of Manager UI web application.

    • Click Update to close the dialog.

      portal app oauth redirect en

  9. Click Save to confirm the changes made in the application settings.

URLs should start with https:// to ensure that secret tokens are always sent over a secure channel.

Deploy to Tomcat

  • Make sure that the Tomcat service is started.

  • Deploy the Manager UI web application by copying [SECMAN-DIR]/secman-next.war to [TOMCAT]/webapps.

    Alternatively you can use the Tomcat Manager to deploy the WAR file.

Configure the application

Before you can use the Manager UI, you need to edit some configuration settings. Otherwise, you won’t be able to login to the application.

To configure the Manager UI follow these steps:

  1. Copy the template config file [SECMAN-DIR]/resources/ into the folder ${user.home}/.secman-next/. ${user.home} refers to the home directory of the user running the Tomcat service.

    If the Tomcat server does not run under a dedicated user, it runs as Local Service. In this case the directory is created under the following path: %systemroot%/ServiceProfiles/LocalService/.secman-next/.

    If you want to use another location for the file, edit the value of in [TOMCAT]/webapps/secman-next/WEB-INF/classes/ as described in the configuration reference.

  2. Edit the new, copied file and adjust the following values:

    • security.authn.oauth.clientId=<App ID within Portal>

    • policyManagement.arcgisServers=<List of federated server URLs>

    • policyManagement.portalUrl=<Portal URL>

    The properties are described in the configuration reference.

  3. Restart Tomcat, so the modified configuration is read.

Install CLI

You have got two options to install secmanctl. Either you directly use the executable shipped with security.manager NEXT or you install the tool from the npm registry.

Install from shipped executable

secmanctl is shipped as an executable file for Windows and Linux operating systems (x86-64 architecture). It is located at

  • [SECMAN-DIR]/cli/linux_x64/secmanctl for Linux.

  • [SECMAN-DIR]\cli\windows_x64\secmanctl.exe for Windows.

The directory containing the executable can be copied to another location. Files located next to the executable may be required by secmanctl at runtime and should be included when copying the binary.

You should add the location to your system’s search path ($PATH or %PATH%, for example) so you can run secmanctl without having to specify the full path to it. Depending on your operating system, it may be necessary to grant executable permissions to the secmanctl binary.

Install via npm

secmanctl is also available as a package in the public npm registry. To install secmanctl on your system, you need to install Node.js (and npm) if it is not already installed.

System requirements

For using secmanctl via npm, the following versions are supported:

  • Node.js: 12.x LTS, 14.x LTS

  • npm: 6.14.x (matching the chosen Node.js version)

Install the command line tool and register it as a global executable on your system by running:

$ npm install @conterra/secmanctl -g

Verify the installation by executing the following command:

$ secmanctl --version

After the installation

After finishing the installation you can: