
ArcGIS Server Memory Settings

Activating security.manager NEXT on an ArcGIS Server service increases the memory footprint of the ArcGIS Server SOC process providing the service. The amount of additional memory required depends on the size of data the service delivers as well as the actual security.manager NEXT policy that may be set using this product, for example due to the complexity of spatial filter geometries. We recommend to increase the maximum heap size for each SOI-protected service from 64 MB (default) to 256 MB as a first approach.

To increase the memory limit for a single service <service_name>:

  • Open the ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory resource /arcgis/admin/services/[folder/]<service_name>.MapServer/edit in a browser.

  • In "frameworkProperties" add the property "javaHeapSize": "256".

  • Save the settings
