App functions

map.apps SDI extension provided and integrated additional SDI-related functionality to map.apps. It extends the core functionality with the following functions:

  • Add services dynamically via a URL or by selecting them from a list of favorite services

  • map.apps SDI provides the following additional tools and functions for extending the map.apps table of contents (TOC):

    • Show capabilities for WMS and WMTS

    • Reorder services and layers, if supported by the GIS server

    • Switch styles (SLDs) of WMS layers, if supported by the service

    • Show additional warnings when outside the service extent or when trying to view a service in an unsupported spatial reference system

    • Show legends for all service layers in a separate window

  • Save, load, and share a map composition as an app state

  • Change spatial reference systems of the map on-the-fly

  • Scale changer with predefined scales

  • Show service copyright information (custom or service-provided)

Bundle configuration

For an overview of all configuration options, see the bundle documentation .

The bundle documentation is also available in your own installation at http://<mapapps>/resources/jsregistry/root. Type sdi_ in the search field to filter on the map.apps SDI bundles.

Deprecated bundles

The following bundles are deprecated. They should be replaced by the bundles prefixed with sdi_appstate-. Follow the update notes.

  • sdi_appstatemanagement

  • sdi_appstatemanagementshared

  • sdi_appstatestore

  • sdi_appstatemanagerintegration

  • sdi_share-link

Do not use these deprecated bundles and the new sdi_appstate- bundles simultaneously.


Some functions (e.g. changing the SRS) are not available for all services types. If you want to use these functions in your app you should only use the following types of services in your app (otherwise the app couldn’t work properly):

  • ArcGIS Server Feature Server

  • ArcGIS Server Map Server (dynamic or tiled)

  • ArcGIS Image Server

  • ArcGIS Scene Server

  • ArcGIS Vector Tile Service

  • OGC API - Features

  • Web Map Service (WMS)

  • Web Map Tile Service (WMTS)

  • Web Feature Service (WFS) (WFS 2.0.0 with GeoJSON output format)

  • INSPIRE View Service

  • WEBTILE Service