map.apps proxy

Using the map.apps proxy is often the easiest solution. However, it should only be used for apps that are publicly available and do not require any authentication.

Appending your FME Server to the allowed URLs in map.apps is possible by changing the application properties.

For more information about the location of configuration files visit the map.apps configuration files documentation.

Search for the property: proxy.allowedServerUrls and append your URL. If the property doesn’t exist, you can copy it from the file Every URL has to finish with ;\ except the last one, which only requires a ;.

You need to provide user credentials to authenticate all requests to the FME Server. This can be done by appending the credentials after the URL. E.g.:


In addition to the allowedServerUrls all domains that are used in the proxy have to be listed in proxy.use.rules.


If your FME Server URL points to localhost you will also need to set the following property:


Tomcat needs to be restarted for the changes to take effect.

  • If map.apps is using HTTPS then the map.apps proxy will automatically try to call the FME Server URLs via HTTPS.

  • If FME Server and map.apps use the same base URL (e.g. through a reverse proxy) then FME URLs might not be routed through the proxy. A workaround would be to directly use the map.apps proxy URL in map.apps ETL, e.g.