Demo configurations

File upload and visualization

This configuration will allow you to upload files from your local computer. The data will be transformed to EsriJSON, which can be displayed directly within map.apps.

  1. Use FME Workbench to publish the workspace upload_to_map.fmw to your FME Server. Make sure Data Streaming is selected as a service in the publish dialog. The workspace can be used as is for most data formats that can be recognized by FME based on their file extension. More complex data formats have to be configured manually.

  2. In map.apps, create a new ETL tool using the Live Configuration:

    • Enter the FME Connection Settings for your FME Server and select the previously published workspace.

    • From Input Method choose File Upload.

    • From Output Method choose Display results on the map.

  3. Use the Toolset Configuration of the map.apps Live Configuration to place your tool in a toolset on your map.

You should now be able to visualize all files from the demo_data folder using the upload tool.

Download data by spatial selection

This configuration will allow you to draw a bounding box in map.apps in order to export data for this region and provide the result as a downloadable ZIP archive.

  1. Use FME Workbench to publish the workspace demo/extent_download_muenster_parks.fmw.

    For this example a Shape file has been provided containing parks from Münster. The Shape reader could be swapped out by any data source (e.g. local database, web source, file based data, etc.).

    When you publish the workspace, make sure to check Upload data files so that your local file can be used by the FME Server. Depending on your source dataset, it might be possible to improve your workspace by querying the data with the map extent instead of using the Clipper after the data has been read.

  2. Publish the workspace as a Data Download Service.

  3. In map.apps, create a new ETL tool using the Live Configuration:

    • Enter the FME Connection Settings for your FME Server and select the previously published workspace.

    • From Input Method choose Map Extent Selection.

    • From Output Method choose Download.

  4. Use the Toolset Configuration of the map.apps Live Configuration to place your tool in a toolset on your map.

You can now download features after drawing a bounding box on the map using the tool. Make sure to draw a bounding box in the area of Münster in order to receive data.