Release notes 4.3.1

What’s new

i18n for Published Parameters

You can now overwrite Published Parameters prompts for each tool via the tool configurations i18n settings. This means you can use different prompts for different languages:

"mapapps_etl": {

      "MapappsETLTools": [
          "fmeServerConfig": {...},
          "fmeTool": {...},
          "fmeParameterOpts": {...}
          "id": "mapapps_tool_id",

           // optional: specify i18n values for each tool individually if necessary.
          "i18n": {
            "en": {
                // optional: localize/overwrite prompt of Published Parameters. The key is the parameter name in FME
                "fme_published_parameter": {
                    "opt_requesteremail": "Enter Mail Address"
            "de": {
                // optional: localize/overwrite prompt of Published Parameters. The key is the parameter name in FME
                "fme_published_parameter": {
                    "opt_requesteremail": "E-Mail Adresse eingeben"

Have a look at all possible app.json configurations: app.json Configuration

File uploads via Published Parameters

Previously, there was only one file upload available via the input configuration that required a Published Parameter mapapps_etl_files. It’s now also possible to create more file uploads that are shown in the Published Parameter step as parameters. This feature can be used if users should provide (optional) additional files, or if users want to provide multiple files that have to be distinguishable for the FME Workspace.

Update notes


Log4J security patch

There haven’t been any changes to the map.apps bundles. However, the ETL Proxy Servlet has been patched and should therefore be updated in any installations. You can ignore this release, if you are not using the Proxy Servlet. For more information visit:



  • Updated Log4J Version in FME Sever Proxy Servlet (ct-fmesrv-proxy-webapp-1.0.2.war)


  • Reorganized i18n. It is now easier to overwrite more strings directly in the tool configuration.

  • Localization for FME Published Parameters is now possible via the i18n tool configuration.

  • File uploads are now also available for Published Parameters

  • Removed deprecated imports (dojo, ct)

  • Removed validation of hidden Published Parameters

  • Replaced select input elements with autocomplete (Published Parameter and live configuration)

  • UI changes

  • Switched data download link to button

  • Hide steps in wizard if only one page is used by the tool

  • Terms of use CSS fix

  • Condensed layer checkboxes for map features selection

  • Switched drawing library (2d/draw to SketchViewModel) to allow drawing in 3D