Migrating from map.apps ETL 2.x

  • Previous versions of map.apps ETL consisted out of several bundles for different scenarios (Web Connect, File Upload, File Download, DB Import, DB Export). These bundles have been combined into one single bundle mapapps_etl allowing multiple tools to be registered.

  • Multiple tools can be configured using the new map.apps ETL configuration.

  • Input and output methods of the previous bundles can be used in any combination.

  • Published parameters for Source Datasets map extent do not have to be configured manually anymore. Instead, fixed conventions have been introduced to handle inputs from map.apps ETL. All inputs are now using the published parameters: mapapps_etl_extent, mapapps_etl_files, mapapps_etl_features

  • Handling published parameters has been inverted. You do not have to enable all parameters that should be visible to the user. Only parameters that should not be visible have to be hidden. This makes changing workspaces much easier, since new FME parameters are automatically visible in map.apps ETL.