Update of an existing installation

This page describes how to upgrade an existing installation to a newer version. Existing indexing jobs are retained, but the jobs must be run again after the migration for re-indexing.

Before the update

Please note the update notes in the Release notes of the current version as well as all versions between the current version and the version you have installed so far.

Determine the currently used version

To check the version number of an existing installation, enter /info.txt after the base path of the installation, e.g. https://<yourserver>/smartfinder/info.txt.

From smart.finder 2.0.9 to 2.1.0

If you want to continue using your existing index, you only have to let the property solr.solr.home point to the location of the index. Then restart Tomcat. Now all search results and indexing jobs should be available again.

If the search boxes are not displayed for a core, enter the following command in the browser:


The suggestions will then be displayed again.

From smart.finder 2.0.x to 2.0.3

Due to the update to Apache Solr 8.6.2 the internal initialisation of the backend service has changed. Therefore, the following steps are necessary:

  • the JNDI entry solr/home in /META-INF/context.xml, which refers to the index directory, is no longer used. For this purpose a new property solr.solr.home is provided.

    If you have changed the location of solr.home, you must apply these changes by using the solr.solr.home property.

  • In the configuration files of the cors used [SOLR_HOME]/[CORE_NAME]/conf/solrconfig.xml, you must ensure that the XML element luceneMatchVersion has the value 8.6.2:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

    If you are using a customized file, make sure that the value matches.

From smart.finder 1.6.x to 2.0.x

Due to the update from Apache Solr 7 to Apache Solr 8.x the schema for index management and the default core core0 has changed. smart.finder 2.0.x can therefore not work with an index that was created by smart.finder 1.6.x. To rebuild the index with smart.finder 2.0.x, a migration tool is provided. This tool is located in the /resources/migration folder of the smart.finder distribution.

For the migration, the target system (i.e. smart.finder 2.x) must run in INTEGRATED security mode. Once the data has been migrated, the security mode can be changed.

The following steps are recommended:

  1. Install smart.finder 2.0.x parallel to the existing smart.finder 1.6.x installation. This can be done either in the same Tomcat instance or by using two different Tomcat instances.

  2. In the folder /resources/migration open the file config.properties in a text editor.

    1. Change the values of the properties according to your environment.

    2. Save the file.

  3. Open a command prompt (Windows) or shell (Linux) in the /resources/migration folder and type the following statement:

    java -jar ct-finder-migration.jar -cf config.properties

    Make sure that a correct Java installation is accessible. If you have changed the file name of the configuration file (given by the parameter -cf), you must use the new name of the Properties file. When the migration was completed, all indexing jobs were copied to smart.finder 2.0.x.

  4. You can now use the smart.finder 2.0.x Job Manager in your Web browser. Restart the jobs or let the attached scheduler do the work, if any. This restarts the indexing process and the index in the target core is rebuilt.

alternative migration
If you only have one or two indexing jobs in the old smart.finder instance, you can also re-enter the jobs manually via the Job Manager interface of your browser, see siehe Create indexing jobs.

The migration tool described above is primarily suitable if you have many existing indexing jobs with many have different settings.

Schema adjustments

If you have made changes in the files /WEB-INF/solr.home/<CORENAME>/schema.xml as well as /WEB-INF/solr.home/<CORENAME>/solrconfig.xml you must apply these changes to the new smart.finder 2.0.x instance accordingly.

With smart.finder 2.0.x a separate core for the map.apps Smart Search Extension is delivered. You can use this core for documents from a Smart Search indexing, but you still have the option of leaving all documents in the default schema core0. If you want to use the Smart Search schema, you must copy the customized parts from the core0 schema.