Overview of all update notes


Changed configuration options


This option is renamed to cors.request.trustedServers. In your application.properties, replace proxy.cors.trustedServers by the new name cors.request.trustedServers. The old name will not work anymore.


Policy JSON Schema Update

If you edit policies in a JSON editor with the help of the policy JSON schema, and you want to make use of the new policy features, the schema needs to be updated. To do so, please update the URL to https://raw.githubusercontent.com/conterra/policies-json/1.5.0/schema/policies.schema.json, or use the schema provided in folder [SECMAN_DIR]/resources/policies.schema.json of the security.manager NEXT distribution.

Policies should begin with

    "$schema": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/conterra/policies-json/1.5.0/schema/policies.schema.json",


    "$schema": "[SECMAN_DIR]/resources/policies.schema.json",


To update from 1.3 to 1.4, you do not need to follow any update notes.


Please note that ArcGIS Enterprise versions up to 10.8.0 are no longer supported.


For services with the WMS capability activated in ArcGIS Server, the WMS interface will be accessible for permitted users after the update. If this is not intended, please deactivate the WMS capability in ArcGIS Server Manager, where necessary.


The shipped SOE files were renamed to support automatic SOI update workflow for the following releases. For this update, however, it is required to delete the old SOI files manually via the ArcGIS Server Manager before uploading the new version of the SOI.

When deleting the old SOE files, existing policies will get lost! The policies must be backed up and restored via the security.manager NEXT CLI as part of the upgrade. Please make sure, you have upgraded the CLI before upgrading the SOI. In Update of an existing installation you can find a step by step documentation how to perform the update without losing existing policies.