License Update


You will receive the file needed for updating the license by con terra GmbH customer service via e-mail. The filename is conterra-license-[…​].xml, where […​] is a random sequence of numbers and letters.

Furthermore you need write permissions for the license/ directory of the security.manager configuration directory [DATA_FOLDER]. If you did not specify a path during the installation, the configuration directory is probably C:\Program Files\conterra\security.manager\data (Windows) or $HOME/conterra/security.manager/data (Linux).


Perform the following steps:

  1. Stop the Tomcat that is used for the security.manager web applications.

  2. Navigate to the directory [DATA_FOLDER]/license and remove the old license file from the directory.

  3. Copy the new license file into the empty [DATA_FOLDER]/license directory.

  4. Restart the Tomcat that was stopped in step 1.

  5. After successful replacement of the license file, security.manager should work as expected. If this is not the case, please continue reading in the next section about the possible sources of errors.

Possible error sources

  • The old license file ist still part of the license folder.

  • An incorrect directory was assumed as the security.manager installation directory (for example, an old security.manager installation).

  • The new license file was modified manually. Make sure to use the original file from the email from con terra GmbH customer support.