Managing bundles programmatically

Searching for bundles

The BundleContext also provides methods to search for bundles installed in the App Runtime using getBundles().

export default class {
      // returns array of all bundles
      let allbundles = bundleContext.getBundles();
      // search bundles with symbolic name "test"
      let bundles = bundleContext.getBundles("(name=test)");
      // expect one test bundle
      let testBundle = bundles[0];

getBundles() accepts a filter string that can define complex filter expressions. This expression is used to filter bundles based on their manifest properties.

Filter expressions are specified by the RFC-1960 and known as LDAP filter syntax.

Here are some examples of filter expressions:

Sample Description


Property name must have the value test (case sensitive)


Property name must have a value (must exist).


Property keywords must have the value wizard. keywords is of type array. This means that one value of the array must match the condition.


Property name must start with test

(startLevel <= 10)

Property startLevel must be less than or equal to 10.

(startLevel >= 10)

Property startLevel must be greater than or equal to 10.

(! (startLevel = 10))

Property startLevel must not be equal to 10. This is the NOT operator.

(& (startLevel < 10) (startLevel > 8))

Property startLevel must be less than 10 and greater than 8. This is the AND operator.

(| (startLevel < 10) (startLevel > 10))

Property startLevel must be less than 10 or greater than 10. This is the OR operator.


Property name must be equal to test (case insensitive), so it matches test, TEST, and TesT for example.


Property name must start with test but (case insensitive), so it matches testab, TESTab, and TesTaB for example.

Starting a bundle

If a bundle activator needs to start a bundle, it can use the start method of a bundle object.

export default class {
   start() {
      // search bundles with symbolic name "test"
      let bundles = bundleContext.getBundles("(name=test)");
      // expect one test bundle
      let testBundle = bundles[0];
      // start the test bundle
        console.debug("test bundle started");

Stopping a bundle

If a bundle activator needs to stop a bundle, it can use the stop method of a bundle object.

A bundle should not stop itself.

export default class {
   start() {
      // search bundles with symbolic name "test"
      let bundles = bundleContext.getBundles("(name=test)");
      // expect one test bundle
      let testBundle = bundles[0];
      // stop the test bundle
      testBundle.stop().then(function() {
        console.debug("test bundle stopped");

Installing a bundle

If a bundle activator needs to install new bundles into the system, it can use the installBundle method of the BundleContext. This is a very powerful feature, because it allows to add features to a running application lazily.

installBundle() expects three parameters and can be used in different ways.

installBundle interface
  location, // URL pointing to the bundle directory
  manifest, // manifest.json object (optional)
  name  // the name of the bundle (optional), overwrites the name provided in the manifest.json

The following code sample shows the most simple way to install a new bundle:

export default class {
   start() {
      // install a test bundle
      let promise = bundleContext.installBundle("http://localhost:8080/js/externalBundles/test");
      // The installBundle method, now fetches the manifest.json provided
      // at http://localhost:8080/js/externalBundles/test/manifest.json
      // interprets it and constructs a bundle instance
      promise.then((testBundle) => {
        // after successful installation, start the bundle

Uninstalling a bundle

If a bundle activator needs to uninstall a bundle, it can use the uninstall method of a bundle object.

export default class {
   start() {
      // search bundles with symbolic name "test"
      let bundles = bundleContext.getBundles("(name=test)");
      // expect one test bundle
      let testBundle = bundles[0];
      // uninstall the test bundle
      testBundle.uninstall().then(() => {
        console.debug("test bundle uninstalled");