Release notes 4.6.0

What’s new

Download from result-ui

map.apps ETL can now also download data from the new result-ui. Simply specify "result-ui" in the ETL tools input definition in the app.json. Additional parameters from the older resultcenter can be reused.

"mapapps_etl": {
      "MapappsETLTools": [
          "fmeServerConfig": {
          "fmeTool": {
            "inputs": [
            "output": "download",
          "fmeParameterOpts": {
            "resultCenterDownload": {
            // default is "selected".
            // With "all" everything will be downloaded even if now individual entries in the
            // resultcenter are selected.
              "downloadMode": "all"
              // default is false.
              // With true, the attribute filter option will not be shown.
              "hideAttributeFilter": true,
          "id": "toolName",

Provide resultcenter layername to FME

The currently selected layer in the resultcenter or result-ui is now provided as a published parameter 'mapapps_etl_resultcenterlayername' in FME

Update notes

Layer Stores

In previous versions of map.apps ETL, a custom store was created for each layer in map.apps, which is used for the resultcenter and the selection. A new layer store concept has been introduced in map.apps 4.13, in which stores are automatically created for each layer. This is also now used by the ETL tools. If the ETL extension is used in older map.apps Versions, the following setting has to be used to return to the old behavior:

"mapappsParameters": {
  "registerCustomStoreForLayer": true



  • result-ui is available as a new input method for ETL tools

  • New map.apps layer stores (map.apps 4.13) are now properly used when creating new layers

  • Fixed reactivity issue in live configuration

  • Fix for unused "use proxy" configuration

  • resultcenter layer names are provided to FME as custom parameter

  • Layer field types are now properly set if provided in the EsriJSON output (requires FME >= 2022.1.0.0)

  • New upload workspace that creates a layer name from the input file name

  • New download workspace that saves the result file based on the resultcenter layer name


  • Internal changes


  • Fields are now calculated from the first 1000 features if not set by FME in the EsriJSON output

  • Keep original input attribute order of fields if some attributes are missing

  • Implemented the Published Parameter type "Checkbox"

  • Popups can now be disabled using fmeParameterOpts.mapappsParameters.popupEnabled:false in the ETL tool configuration

  • ETL Proxy version 2.0.2