Release notes 4.4.1

What’s new

Labeling information

You can now provide labeling information for layers created by map.apps ETL via the FME workspace to map.apps. Include the necessary configuration in the JSON output of the workspace as described in Workspace Templates.

See .\fme_templates\building_blocks\esriJson_CustomTransformer.fmw for a custom transformer to include the labeling information.

Automatically open popups

Popups can automatically be opened after features drawn via map.apps ETL. Apply the configuration using the parameters automaticallyOpenPopup and numberOfAllowedPopupsForMultipleFeatures to each tool individually:

"mapapps_etl": {
      "MapappsETLTools": [{
          "fmeServerConfig": {...},
          "fmeTool": {...},
          "fmeParameterOpts": {
                "mapappsParameters": {
                    // optional: opens a popup for the first feature
                    "automaticallyOpenPopup": true,
                    // optional: if more than one feature is available, specify how many popups should be loaded (defaults to 1).
                    "numberOfAllowedPopupsForMultipleFeatures": 5

Have a look at all possible configurations in the app.json.

Configurable zoom level for individual features

You can configure the zoom level of a map after a feature is drawn in the tool configuration. This is only possible if only a single feature is drawn.

"mapapps_etl": {
      "MapappsETLTools": [{
          "fmeServerConfig": {...},
          "fmeTool": {...},
          "fmeParameterOpts": {
                "mapappsParameters": {
                    // optional: set a map scale. Only applies, if only one feature is supposed to be displayed on the map. A value of 10000 means a map scale of 1:10000
                    "scaleForIndividualFeatures": 10000,

Update notes

From 4.4.0 to 4.4.1

The property scaleForIndividualFeatures changed from version 4.4.0 to 4.4.1. In the first release, it was called zoomFactorForIndividualFeatures and worked based on zoom levels. Since these are not applicable for all layer types, we had to switch to map scales. The old property is not working anymore!



  • Changed tool property from zoomFactorForIndividualFeatures to scaleForIndividualFeatures to set a fixed zoom level if only one feature is drawn.


  • Added tool property fmeParameterOpts.mapappsParameters.zoomFactorForIndividualFeatures to set a fixed zoom level if only one feature is drawn.

  • Added tool property fmeParameterOpts.mapappsParameters.openPopupForFirstFeature to open the first popup of a feature.

  • Labeling information can be provided in the FME JSON response to display map labels.