• Observers encapsulates a collection of connections to event emitters, like Evented, Mutable, Watches and the like. It therefor helps you to manage multiple event connections by grouping them - e.g. for cleaning all connections at once.


    • Optionaloptions: ObserverOptions

      optional parameters to customize the creation

    Returns Observers

    import Observers from "apprt-core/Observers";
    import { Evented } from "apprt-core/Events";

    const eventSource = new Evented();
    const observers = Observers();
    // track connection to eventSource
    observers.add(eventSource.on("event", ()=>{ ... }));
    // if the connection needs to be cleaned call
    const eventSourceA = new Evented();
    const eventSourceB = new Evented();
    const observers = Observers();
    // track connection to eventSourceA, but in group "a"
    observers.group("a").add(eventSourceA.on("event", ()=>{ ... }));
    // track connection to eventSourceB, but in group "b"
    observers.group("b").add(eventSourceB.on("event", ()=>{ ... }));
    // if "a" is not longer required
    // if "b" is not longer required (shows alternative)
    // if none of the connections are required anymore clean all
    // The bind/rebind functionality helps to encapsulate the code to connect to an observable.
    // When the observable target changes a simple call to 'bind'
    // rexecutes the connection code and clears the old connection.

    import createObservers, { Observers } from "apprt-core/Observers";
    import { Evented } from "apprt-core/Events";

    interface CustomEvents {
    "changed": boolean

    class Controller {
    private observers: Observers | undefined;
    private events: any[] = [];
    constructor() {
    this.events = [];
    this.observers = createObservers({
    // rebind is executed if Observers.bind is called, and used to reconnect to a new source instance
    rebind: (observers, source) => {
    const eventSource = source as Evented<CustomEvents>;
    observers.add(eventSource.on("change", (evt) => {
    connect(eventSource: Evented<CustomEvents>) {
    // observe new event source
    disconnect() {
    // disconnect from event source