Observers encapsulates a collection of connections to event emitters, like Evented, Mutable, Watches and the like. It therefor helps you to manage multiple event connections by grouping them - e.g. for cleaning all connections at once.
Add observer handles to default group.
Binds to new target observables, by invoking the rebind callback. See the class description for a sample.
Cleans any registered observer. Or, if names are defined, then only the given groups are cleaned.
The amount of registered observers at default group.
The amount of registered observers in all groups.
Destroys this Observable. It works like clean with the addition of clearing all set rebind functions.
Gets a group to scope observers.
True if no observer is registered in any group.
True if no observer is registered at default group.
Registers the rebind callback, which will be executed if bind is called. This is an alternative to the constructor parameter 'rebind'.
Removes observer handles from default group.
Observers encapsulates a collection of connections to event emitters, like Evented, Mutable, Watches and the like. It therefor helps you to manage multiple event connections by grouping them - e.g. for cleaning all connections at once.