TOC extension

The map.apps TOC is extendable and the map.apps SDI bundle sdi_toc delivers the following extensions for the TOC:

  • Show capabilities

  • Show legend of the service

  • Move — Reorder services and predefined groups

  • Move — Reorder layers: not supported by all GIS servers

    You can change the order of layers, but not all servers support requests for a different layer order. Therefore, after changing the order of the layers, the result in the map can differ from the order in the TOC.

    Here is an example with a service that supports changing the layer order:

  • For dynamically loaded services: Remove service

  • Choose styles (SLD) for WMS layers

    Not available for group layers, inheritance is not supported. At the moment the legend isn’t updated after changing the style.

  • The available map.apps TOC warnings are extended with warnings concerning the map extent, the SRS and 3D mode.


    The layers inherit the SRS configuration of their parents.

    inherit warning

Please refer to the bundle documentation for details.