App status manager integration

Administrator rights are required to use these functions. The widget is not available for users with editor permissions.

As an admin user you can view, update, or delete every app state — independently of the app or restricted visibility settings for an app state.

In addition, the administrator can see the last access time for an app state. This is helpful for recognizing app states that haven’t been used for a longer time.

app state
app state selection

This functionality is provided by the sdi_appstatemanagerintegration bundle.

The bundle comes with a widget that is integrated into map.apps Manager. It is designed only for integration into map.apps Manager. For adding this functionality to an app, use the sdi_appstatemanagement bundle.


To add this bundle to map.apps Manager, adjust the map.apps file:

## list of bundles that provide views for the map.apps Manager

ArcGIS Portal app states

You cannot see private or group-protected app states created with ArcGIS Portal authentication in the map.apps Manager app state list. Use the map.apps SDI app sdi_savestate-manager-portal-auth to manage such app states.