Release notes 4.1.7

Update notes

The current output to map template is deprecated and should be changed to the new workspace.
  • The old workspace will work until FME 2020 since the JavaScript caller has been removed.



  • Fix missing mail addresses in result view

  • FME Terminator messages are now used in the result if a workspaces fails.


  • Minor internal changes


  • Fixed spelling: mapapp_etl_pointmapapps_etl_point

  • More i18n text elements with html support

  • Loading animation while gathering FME parameter information

  • Live configuration: duplicate tool function

  • Tooltips for result table after analyze workspace is used

  • Custom iframe content via FME


  • Resolve domains, dates and alias names in resultcenter download


  • Esri JS Api Bugfix (drawing geometries)

  • Removed JavaScriptCaller from demo workspaces

  • Improved parameter form validation

  • Convert epsg codes to coordinate system names in the analyze result


  • Make popupType configurable via tool configuration


  • Internal changes


  • File analyzing workflow: Workspace and map.apps Bundle to analyze files before starting the actual FME Workspace

  • Default representation in map.apps is now a FeatureLayer. Therefore, FME Workspaces use a different output template. The previous FME Workspaces still work for backwards compatibility.

  • Custom error messages can now be defined in the FME Workspaces for DataStreaming processes.

  • Fix: Show error message if a process executes successfully without providing output features.

  • Feature selection can now be configured to hide specific layers

  • New output method: Download from Result Center

  • New selection methods for the input type: "Extent". You can now also use points and lines.

  • Maximum selection area can now be calculated for all CRS.

  • Maximum number of drawn features can now be configured.

  • New geometry Published Parameter (FME 2020) can be used