Input Configuration

Published Parameters

All input methods use a published parameter to receive information from map.apps ETL.The parameters are:

File Upload

  • mapapps_etl_files

    • Provides the location of the uploaded files on the FME Server

  • mapapps_etl_featuretypes (optional)

    • Provides the feature types of the uploaded files on the FME Server

Features from the map

  • mapapps_etl_features

    • Provides the location of a file containing EsriJSON features previously uploaded from map.apps ETL

Map extent selection

  • mapapps_etl_extent

    • Provides an EsriJSON polygon as a String.

  • mapapps_etl_line

    • Provides an EsriJSON polyline as a String.

  • mapapps_etl_point

    • Provides an EsriJSON point as a String.


File Upload


Features from the map


Map extent selection