This module integrates the reactivity-API (@conterra/reactivity-core) into map.apps.

NOTE: This module and @conterra/reactivity-core are still actively being worked on. There may be breaking changes based on user feedback; stability can not yet be guaranteed.

This module simply re-exports everything from @conterra/reactivity-core. You can use this module to conveniently refer to the version of reactivity-core that is provided by map.apps:

import { reactive, computed } from "apprt-core/reactivity";
const firstName = reactive("John");
const lastName = reactive("Doe");
const fullName = computed(() => `${firstName.value} ${lastName.value}`);
console.log(fullName.value); // "John Doe"
lastName.value = "Smith";
console.log(fullName.value); // "John Smith"

For more information about the reactivity API, see the README of @conterra/reactivity-core.

For an example of how to use reactive values together with Vue, take a look at useReactiveSnapshot from apprt-vue.