A toc item that represents a layer.

interface TocItemLayer {
    children: TocItem[];
    childrenToggleMode: ChildrenToggleMode;
    hasHiddenChildren: boolean;
    isFirstChild: boolean;
    isLastChild: boolean;
    isLeaf: boolean;
    isOpen: boolean;
    isRoot: boolean;
    listMode: ListMode;
    ref: Layer;
    setOpen(open: boolean): void;
    setOpenOnTree(open: boolean): void;
    type: "layer";

Hierarchy (View Summary)


children: TocItem[]

The children of this item.

childrenToggleMode: ChildrenToggleMode

The toggle mode for the children of this item.

hasHiddenChildren: boolean

True if the item currently has any hidden children.

isFirstChild: boolean

True if this item is the first child of its parent.

isLastChild: boolean

True if this item is the last child of its parent.

isLeaf: boolean

True if this item is a leaf (no further children).

isOpen: boolean

True if this item is currently opened (expanded).

isRoot: boolean

True if this item is the root item (no further parent).

listMode: ListMode

The list mode of this item.

ref: Layer

Provides access to the real object represented by the toc item.

type: "layer"

The type of this toc item.


  • Sets the "open" (expanded) state of this toc item.


    • open: boolean

    Returns void

  • Sets the open state (expanded) state of this toc item and its sub tree.


    • open: boolean

    Returns void