An action definition that provides multiple buttons.

interface ButtonRowActionDefinition {
    actionLabels?: readonly string[];
    actionTooltips?: readonly string[];
    icons: readonly string[];
    id: string;
    isDisabledForItem(item: TocItem): boolean[];
    isVisibleForItem(item: TocItem): boolean | Promise<boolean>;
    label?: string;
    trigger(item: TocItem, buttonIndex: number): void;
    type: "button-row";

Hierarchy (View Summary)


actionLabels?: readonly string[]

Aria labels for the action buttons. The tooltip values in the array should match the order given in the icons property.

actionTooltips?: readonly string[]

Tooltips for the action buttons. The tooltip values in the array should match the order given in the icons property.

icons: readonly string[]

Icons for the action buttons.

id: string

This action's unique id.

label?: string

A textual label (or title) for this action.

type: "button-row"

The type of this action.


  • Method to decide if the action should be shown as disabled (optional). The boolean values in the returned array should match the order given in the icons property.


    Returns boolean[]

  • Returns true if the action shall be available for the given item. Should return false otherwise.

    Note that this method may be asynchronous (i.e. return a Promise<boolean>).


    Returns boolean | Promise<boolean>

  • Called if the menu item is clicked. The buttonIndex identifies the target button in this row.


    Returns void