Declares common properties and defines the interface of all InputActions.

interface SpatialInputAction {
    description?: string;
    disable(): void;
    enable(): void;
    iconClass: string;
    id: string;
    interactive?: boolean;
    title: string;
        options?: Record<string, any>,
    ): Promise<Geometry> | CancelablePromise<Geometry>;


description?: string

The description of this action. Currently not used, but it is intended to provide the user a hint about this action in the future. Optional.

iconClass: string

The iconClass to provide a nice icon to the button related to this action.

id: string

The ID of this action. Required.

interactive?: boolean

By default a SpatialInputAction is assumed to be interactive. But this can set to false explicitly.

title: string

The title shown as label on buttons. Required.


  • Hook triggered after enable and after maybe 0 to n invocations of the trigger function to indicate that this action is not longer in use e.g. to hide supporting widgets. The trigger function may invoked multiple times after that method is invoked.

    Returns void

  • Hook triggered before the trigger function is used, e.g. to show supporting widgets. The trigger function maybe invoked multiple times after that method is invoked.

    Returns void

  • Triggers this action.


    • Optionaloptions: Record<string, any>

      currently unspecified.

    Returns Promise<Geometry> | CancelablePromise<Geometry>