cleanupHook to cleanup resources cached for a given popuptemplate or layer.
Function is triggered by the custom popup engine if a layer is removed from the map.
instance (either Layer or StoreInstance for which the popup template was created.
Provides a PopupTemplate (definition) for a layer. Function is triggered by the custom popup engine to resolve PopupTemplate information as soon as a layer is registered inside a map.
Instance for which the popup template should be created.
The resolved template, see https://developers.arcgis.com/javascript/latest/api-reference/esri-PopupTemplate.html.
resolveProvides a PopupTemplate (definition) for a store. Function is triggered by the custom popup engine to resolve PopupTemplate information as soon as a store is registered in the system.
Instance for which the popup template should be created.
Additional information about the store instance.
The resolved template, see https://developers.arcgis.com/javascript/latest/api-reference/esri-PopupTemplate.html.
Encapsulates the creation and lifecycle of PopupTemplates.