Sets the view to the geometry of the items in the options' items property.

actionService.trigger(["zoomto"], {
items: [
geometry: new Point({
x: 7.5,
y: 52
"zoomto-point-scale": 5000
interface ZoomToActionOptions {
    items: readonly ActionItem[];
    "zoomto-animation-options"?: unknown;
    "zoomto-extent-expansion-factor"?: number;
    "zoomto-point-scale"?: number;
    "zoomto-scale"?: number;
    readonly [key: string]: unknown;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


  • readonly [key: string]: unknown

    Arbitrary properties.


items: readonly ActionItem[]

An array of objects with a geometry. If multiple items are specified, then the union of their extents will serve as the target geometry.

"zoomto-animation-options"?: unknown

Specifies additional animation options of the view.goTo method (optional).

"zoomto-extent-expansion-factor"?: number

Factor applied to the extent of a non-point input geometry (optional). The expanded extent makes up the new zoom target geometry, so for a factor > 1 you get more map context around the input geometry.

"zoomto-point-scale"?: number

Specifies the scale to zoom to for points.

"zoomto-scale"?: number

Specifies the scale to zoom to (optional).