A factory for managed services. A managed service factory must be registered as ct.framework.api.ManagedServiceFactory.

interface ManagedServiceFactory {
    deleted(pid: string): void;
    updated(pid: string, properties: ComponentProperties): void;


  • Remove a factory instance.

    Remove the factory instance associated with the PID. If the instance was registered with the service registry, it should be unregistered.


    • pid: string

      the PID of the service to be removed

    Returns void

  • Create a new instance, or update the configuration of an existing instance.

    If the PID of the Configuration object is new for the Managed Service Factory, then create a new factory instance, using the configuration properties provided. Else, update the service instance with the provided properties.


    • pid: string

      The PID for this configuration.

    • properties: ComponentProperties

      A copy of the configuration properties.

    Returns void