Log a message at level DEBUG.
The message may contain one or more placeholders '{}', which are replaced by the string value of the given arguments.
Note that placeholders are always replaced and can not be escaped at the moment.
If the list of arguments is longer than the number of placeholders in the given message, each remaining argument is logged in a separate log statement.
the message, may contain '{}' placeholders.
arguments filled into the placeholder or directly logged.
Log a message at level ERROR.
Similar to debug except for the used log level.
the message, may contain '{}' placeholders.
arguments filled into the placeholder or directly logged.
Convenience method to log an error (without an additional message) as an error.
the error to log
Log a message at level INFO.
Similar to debug except for the used log level.
the message, may contain '{}' placeholders.
arguments filled into the placeholder or directly logged.
Log a message at level WARN.
Similar to debug except for the used log level.
the message, may contain '{}' placeholders.
arguments filled into the placeholder or directly logged.
Convenience method to log an error (without an additional message) as a warning.
the error to log
A logger interface. It is inspired from the interface and behavior of the org.slf4j.Logger API.
Example: <caption>Log debug message</caption>
Example: <caption>Use placeholders</caption>
Example: <caption>Test wether log level is enabled</caption>
Example: <caption>Log prefixed messages</caption>