setSets the property propName
to value
. This function is called
by Bindings to propagate property changes from one object to the other.
When a property called propName
on the "source" Bindable of a binding changes,
the "target" Bindable will eventually receive the updated value via this function.
the name of the property
the new value of the property
watchRegisters a watch callback for the property propName
on this Bindable.
This function will be called by a Binding when it is configured to synchronize changes of this property to another object. The callback must be invoked by this Bindable when the property is updated in order to notify the Binding about the change.
the name of the property
a callback function that takes no arguments
an object implementing WatchHandle that allows the Binding to unregister the watch.
The interface that must be implemented by the left and right side objects of a Binding. Methods of this interface enable the synchronization of watches by making properties reactive: when a property changes, watchers of that property (that is, the binding) will be notified.