• Allows overload of transformers used to create solr filter expressions. This allows customizing e.g. of $suggest operator.


    • customTransformers: Record<string, CustomTransformer>

      the custom transformer function.

    Returns {
        astToSolrQL: (astOrWalker: AST | Walker) => string;
        toSolrQL: (
            query?: ComplexQueryExpression,
            options?: ComplexQueryToSolrQLOptions,
        ) => string;

    an object with customized toSolrQL and astToSolrQL functions.

    • astToSolrQL: (astOrWalker: AST | Walker) => string

      Encodes ast/walker to solr filter, it is using the custom transformers.

    • toSolrQL: (
          query?: ComplexQueryExpression,
          options?: ComplexQueryToSolrQLOptions,
      ) => string

      Encodes query to solr filter, it is using the custom transformers.