• Parses a complex property path expression like "coordinate.x" in order to access the properties in target objects.


    • Optionalpath: string | symbol

      the target path, e.g. "a.b.name"

    Returns PathAccessorFactory

    a path function which produces accessors.

    import PropertyPath from "apprt-core/PropertyPath";

    let path = PropertyPath("a.b.name");

    // parser errors are reported by "invalid" property

    let target = {
    a: {
    b: {
    name: "test"

    let accessor = path(target);
    accessor.invalid // -> false, but true if path is not accessible in target
    accessor.exists() // -> true, b hasOwnProperty name
    accessor.get() //-> "test"
    accessor.set("new val") // -> changes target.a.b.name to "new val", will throw an error if property is not accessible