A writable synchronous store.

Type Parameters

  • ItemType extends Record<string, any>
  • IDType extends string | number

Hierarchy (View Summary)



id: string

ID of the store.

idProperty: string

Name of the property used as ID. If not provided, the 'getIdentity' method must be declared.


  • Emits an event. All associated event listeners registered for the given event name will be invoked asynchronously.

    Type Parameters

    • Name extends "changed"


    • eventName: Name

      The name of the event.

    • ...value: Params<StoreEvents<IDType>[Name]>

      The event value. Passed to all event listeners. Note: no value can be passed if the event type is void.

    Returns void

  • Returns any available metadata about the store. This may include attribution, available fields, cache directives, history or version information.

    Returns Metadata

  • Saves the given item. Depending on the specified options, a new item is created or a given item is updated.


    Returns ItemType

  • Delete an item by id.


    • id: IDType

      id of item to delete

    Returns void